Radiation levels on school playgrounds near the disaster-crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant can be cut by up to 99 percent by removing contaminated soil, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has announced.
The ministry concluded on May 11 that radiation levels on school playgrounds and other locations near the troubled plant can be effectively reduced by replacing irradiated topsoil with earth from deeper down, or removing the top layer and burying it. The government's Nuclear Safety Commission has also acknowledged both methods are effective in lowering soil radiation levels to a certain extent.
The ministry will inform affected schools of how to exchange or remove contaminated soil through the prefectural board of education starting May 12, but whether to carry out the procedure or which of the two methods will be employed will be left up to each school.
On May 8, workers from the ministry and other institutions measured radiation levels in the soil in the city of Fukushima, detecting toxic radioactive substances up to 5 centimeters deep.
By removing the topsoil to a depth of 10 centimeters and replacing it with dirt from about 50 centimeters below the surface, the amount of radiation on the surface decreased by about 90 percent.
Furthermore, radiation levels at the test site dropped significantly as workers scraped off the topsoil, put it in a deep hole and covered the hole with clean soil. When the layer of clean soil covering the hole is 40 centimeters thick, the radiation dose on the surface is expected to drop by 99 percent.

The government is considering fully or partially covering the decontamination procedure expenses, said Ryuzo Sasaki, senior vice education minister during a press conference on May 11.
Click here for the original Japanese story
(Mainichi Japan) May 12, 2011
東日本大震災:校庭の土汚染、99%低減可能 文科省が原子力安全委に報告
毎日新聞 2011年5月12日 東京朝刊
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