Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin speaks at a Tea Party Express rally on earlier this month in Manchester, N.H. (Darren McCollester/GETTY IMAGES)New numbers from a
CNN/Opinion Research poll confirm it. In a hypothetical 2012 Republican primary, Palin stood at 7 percent — tied with businessman
Herman Cain and Texas Rep.
Ron Paul, neither of whom are considered anything but the longshots for the nomination.
She trails frontrunning Texas Gov. Rick Perry by 21 points and second-place finisher Mitt Romney wins three times the support Palin does in the poll.
And the bad news doesn’t stop there. Just 51 percent of self-identified Republicans in the poll said that Palin has the “personality” and leadership qualities a president should have” — well below the number who said the same of Perry (73 percent) and Romney (83 percent).
With electability rising as a concern among Republican voters, the fact that she trailsPresident Obama by 21 points in a head-to-head matchup — the largest margin of any GOP candidate — is yet more bad news for Palin.
Palin’s struggles appear to be closely correlated to the rise of Perry, whose entrance into the race in mid-August fundamentally re-ordered the pecking order of candidates aggressively seeking tea party support.
In the last CNN/ORC poll conducted prior to Perry’s official entry into the race, Romney took 19 percent while Palin and Perry each took 15 percent and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann received 10 percent.
Since that time, Palin’s support has been whittled in half, while Bachmann stood at just 4 percent in the latest survey; Perry has seemingly co-opted the social conservative/tea party support of both women.
Palin allies will note that she is not yet in the race and that people tend to be hesitant to support someone who isn’t running. That will change, they argue, if she gets in.
Maybe. But unlike Cain or even Paul, is there anyone who either a) doesn’t know Palin or b) doesn’t have an opinion about her?
While she would undoubtedly blot out the sun when it comes to media coverage — especially in the early days of her candidacy — it’s hard to see how all of that coverage (and there would a A LOT of it) would or could fundamentally alter the impression people already have of her.
One poll is, well, one poll (see: “time, snapshot in”). But Palin’s numbers haven’t been particularly strong in quite some time — we wrote that
she had reached a political tipping point way back in April — and Perry’s entrance into the contest has further complicated Palin’s path to top-tier status.
Palin has shown a tremendous capacity to surprise during her three-plus years on the national stage. But, the CNN poll suggests that there her bag of tricks may well be empty — or close to it.
Christie’s big speech: For the second time this month, all eyes will be on the Reagan library in Simi Valley, Calif.
Just weeks after the GOP debate there, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) will deliver a speech at the library titled “Real American Exceptionalism.” This is particularly interesting, given that American Exceptionalism has been a hot topic on the presidential campaign trail.
With continued indications and reports that the governor is rethinking his decision not to run for president, this speech will be mined for all kinds of clues about his intentions. We wouldn’t expect him to make the announcement in this setting, though.
Another shutdown averted: Another potential government shutdown has been averted, after Senate Republicans and Democrats
struck a deal Monday on disaster-relief funding.
Republicans had wanted all the disaster relief to be paid for. In the end, Democrats got less disaster relief money than they had hoped, while Republicans got fewer spending cuts than they had hoped.
It’s hard to see the political implications in this, except that the GOP continues to push the envelope on spending and is even willing to stick its neck out when it comes to something so sacred as disaster relief.
Incidentally, people
trust the GOP less than they did a few months ago when it comes to the deficit.
NewDEAL hightlights six: A non-profit headed by Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) and Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) that promotes local and state Democratic leaders is highlighting another crop of rising stars.
The NewDeal, which highlights up-and-coming Democrats with fresh ideas, has added six names to its list of honorees. The six are: Tennessee state Sen. Andy Berke, Kansas state House Minority Leader Paul Davis, Massachusetts state Senator Barry Finegold, Montgomery County (Ohio) Commissioner Dan Foley, Delaware state Rep. Helene Keeley, and Maryland state Del. Keiffer Mitchell.
Berke has been considered a potential candidate for Congress or governor, while Mitchell finished second in the 2007 race to replace O’Malley as mayor of Baltimore.
Angle endorses Sowards in New Mexico: Former Nevada GOP Senate candidate and tea party favorite Sharron Angle has endorsed businessman Greg Sowards in the open New Mexico Senate race.
Sowards is running in the GOP primary against two more high-profile opponents: former congresswoman Heather Wilson and Lt. Gov. John Sanchez.
As the Hotline’s
Sean Sullivan notes, this is the second-time this week that a key tea party leader has backed a lower-tier Senate candidate. On Monday, Sen.
Mike Lee (R-Utah) and FreedomWorks both endorsed Nebraska state Treasurer
Don Stenberg over state Attorney General
Jon Bruning.
As expected, New Jersey has moved its primary from February, where it was in violation of Republican National Committee rules,
to June.
Kentucky Gov.
Steve Beshear (D) is apparently so confident that he will win reelection in November that he is
skipping debates.
first ad of the race to replace former congressman
David Wu (D-Ore.).
Ohio Gov.
John Kasich (R) is still in negative territory with his approval rating, and a repeal of his bill reducing union rights
has majority support.
And my guess here is that perhaps that's what Ms. Palin should seek. For you still get to keep all the perks and face time with the press with a staff who's job it is to prepare your day for you. I mean just look back at Condolezza Rice for an example of what I'm talking about here.
"Sarah Palin is and always has been an utter nonentity. She has no skills, and never ever had any chance of being elected to any national office. She is, and always has been, a toy for the Press. We can write anything at all about her, and the editors will put it up there, just to fill up space."