As head of news at the Asian Network, I work out of three offices, in Leicester, London and Birmingham. Of course I wasn't in any of them when news came through about the bombs in Mumbai. The first I heard of it was when I idly looked at my mobile phone - which was on silent during the meeting I was in. "Four missed calls". There was also a text from a colleague at BBC World Service asking if I was "sending" to Mumbai. "Sending" is the journalist jargon for getting a reporter to a location.

That leaves me with the problem of whether to "send". My instinct is of course "yes". But the Asian Network is not a huge station and doesn't have that much money for big trips. We have already spent a fair amount this month sending a reporter to Pakistan to cover the case of Mirza Tahir Hussain - a Leeds man on death row in Islamabad. A "send" to Mumbai will also mean that I have less to spend on what I think is our core business: covering the lives and concerns of British Asians. The Asian Network can also use all the other BBC reporters who are rushing to the scene too. Even so, I take the view that for the Asian network to cover this story as well as our listeners will expect, we need to be there.
It was a bit of a scramble. We decide to send Dil Neiyyar (our London reporter) and Rifat Jawaid (our languages editor). Dil spends the afternoon getting a visa from the Indian High Commission and his equipment together. Rifat rushes to Heathrow from Birmingham. We start compiling the appropriate hazard assessment forms. Safety is crucial. As well as the possibility of more bombs, there is the fear of communal violence and more mundanely the intense heat. Both Rifat and Dil have done the BBC's "hostile environment" course. Mumbai isn't a war zone, but this intense training really helps reporters assess the risks on the ground.
Eight thirty in the evening and a nightmare call comes. Visa delays mean they've missed the flight. More money needed for another one. Got to do it now, just hope we get a refund for the first flight.
They arrive early the next day and are on air almost immediately. Between them they work for our morning programmes, our lunchtime news programme "The Wrap" and for Adil's show again. Rifat appears on our languages shows through the evening. They head off around Mumbai and get some terrific material: voices of real Mumbai citizens responding to this terrifying attack. I'm left with a strong impression of a defiant city refusing to stop living their lives and refusing to blame the many Muslims in their city. And the good news is we did get our first flights refunded. So more money in the pot for next time.
Even though I am a US Latin living in Miami Florida, BBC Asian Network does a superb job with its reports from South Asia and the World.
Listener since 1997.
and again you tried to disturb us and disrupt our life
- killing innocent civilians by planting bombs in
trains, buses and cars. You have tried hard to bring
death and destruction, cause panic and fear and create
communal disharmony but everytime you were
disgustingly unsuccessful. Do you know how we pass our
life in Mumbai? How much it takes for us to earn that
single rupee? If you wanted to give us a shock then we
are sorry to say that you failed miserably in your
ulterior motives. Better look elsewere, not here.
Marathis or Punjabis and Bengaliies. Nor do we
distinguish ourselves as owners or workers, govt.
employees or private employees. WE ARE MUMBAIKERS (Mumbaiites)
(Bombay-ites, if you like). We will not allow you to
disrupt our life like this. On the last few occassions
when you struck (including the 7 deadly blasts in a
single day killing over 250 people and injuring 500+
in 1993), we went to work next day in full strength.
This time we cleared everything within a few hours and
were back to normal - the vendors placing their next
order, businessmen finalizing the next deals and the
office workers rushing to catch the next train. (Yes
the same train you targetted)
of blood donating volunteers were seen outside various
hospital, where most of the injured were admitted. By
12 midnight, the hospital had to issue a notification
that blood banks were full and they didn't require any
more blood. The next day, attendance at schools and
office was close to 100%, trains & buses were packed
to the brim, the crowds were back. The city has simply
dusted itself off and moved one - perhaps with greater
vigour. Plus, unlike other countries, other people
don’t go on the rampage plundering, looting, stealing
and raping at such times.
like this. So, do not dare to threaten us with your
crackers. The spirit of Mumbai is very strong and can
not be harmed.
it may come to hands of a terrorist in Afghanistan,
Pakistan or Iraq and he can then read this message
which is specially meant for him!!!
From the people of Mumbai (Bombay)
Where was the report on Nathu La Pass? or the rantings of Mr Modi or other RSS activities? why nothing on the reported crisis at RAW?, or on Sharoor for UN ? or drug taking in political houses, such as Rahul Mahajan, going unpunished? or Dayanidhi Maran's media monopoly? or Indian's wind power?
Your dossier looks like a report from Warren Hastings back to London giving the worst possible picture of India and the sub-continent.
I mention this in me present book, but will go into the BBC's role more lengthily later. The report is not encouraging.