Tuesday, March 29, 2011
24/03 Will Egypt's Youth Movement Be Pushed Aside?
Egyptian voters overwhelmingly approved a set of constitutional amendments in last weekend's referendum, paving the way for parliamentary and presidential elections in the next four to six months.
But many liberal reformers and youth activists oppose that swift timetable, arguing that early elections would give an extraordinary advantage to Mubarak's old political party and the Muslim Brotherhood, which have strong organizational structures and would move to centralize power. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who met with Egyptian military leaders in Cairo on Thursday, urged them to give new political groups more time to organize.
Can the youth movement and those pushing for greater reforms be fairly represented in the upcoming elections? What does that movement need to do to form a viable coalition?
Read the Discussion » Debaters
Fears of Losing the Revolution
Kristen Stilt, Northwestern University
The Youth Influence Remains
Ellis Goldberg, American University, Cairo
Join Forces With Existing
Parties Emad Shahin, University of Notre Dame
Becoming a Viable Force
Steven A. Cook, Council on Foreign Relations
Stepping Up to the Challenge
Mona Eltahawy, columnist ..
21/03 Rising Wealth Inequality: Should We Care?.

Many studies have shown that income inequality is rising. In several different types of communities, median family income is lower now than 30 years ago. Yet an intriguing survey by Michael Norton and Dan Ariely found that Americans believe wealth distribution to be far more equal than it actually is and, if given a choice, they would select an even more equitable scenario. Why do Americans seem relatively unperturbed about growing income inequality? Is it a lack of awareness, or are there other factors?
to read more, go to >> here
29/03 東日本大震災 図説集
29/03 Libyan Militiamen Accused of Rape Said to Sue
TRIPOLI, Libya — In the latest turn in the case of Eman al-Obeidy, a Libyan woman apprehended by security forces for trying to tell journalists that she had been raped by members of the Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s militia, a government spokesman said Tuesday that the unidentified militia members she accused had filed a civil case against her.
“Oh, yeah, they have filed a case,” the spokesman, Musa Ibrahim said. “The boys who she accused of rape are bringing a case because it is a very grave offense to accuse someone of a sexual crime.” Journalists have been unable to learn Ms. al-Obeidy’s whereabouts since she was removed by force from the Rixos Hotel here after scuffles between security personnel, hotel staff and foreign journalists she had been trying to approach on Saturday.
Mr. Ibrahim initially described her as drunk and potentially delusional. Then, later on Saturday, he called her sober and sane. And on Sunday he termed her a prostitute and a thief.
He said that her case against the men had been dropped because she refused to submit to a medical examination, and he reiterated a promise that she would be offered a chance to speak again to the press.
The story of her treatment, covered by satellite news channels and Web sites, has riveted Libyans of all stripes. To critics of the Qaddafi government Ms. Obeidy has become the new face of its brutal tactics. Her family and tribe, based in the rebel-held east, is reportedly standing by her, bucking tradition to reject any assertion of a stain on her reputation from the alleged sexual crime. Rebels in Benghazi, the de facto rebel capital, have also held rallies to support her.
29/03 第一原発の南16キロの海水、58倍のヨウ素
(2011年3月29日20時08分 読売新聞)
29/03 「ざっくばらん」班目委員長発言に官邸ピリピリ
(2011年3月29日19時17分 読売新聞)
29/03 'Hot' water removal going slowly / Flooded steam condensers in reactors hamper workers' efforts
29/03 中国が燃料油2万トンを無償提供 水・手袋も
ガソリンは広島県江田島市に、ディーゼル油は愛媛県今治市に送る予定で、総額1億5千万元(約19億円)相当。早ければ4月1日ごろには日本に届くという。国有企業の中国石油天然ガスグループ傘下の大連石化が15日から、中国政府の指示を受けて生産していた。また、ミネラルウオーター6万本、ゴム手袋325万枚の計96トンの支援物資も28日に北京の空港から成田空港に空輸されたという。 .
29/03 「もう限界」「一時帰宅を」原発避難の首長らが窮状訴え
29/03 TEPCO says damage possible to reactor pressure containers
The Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant's No. 1 reactor, foreground, No. 2 reactor, No. 3 reactor and No. 4 reactor behind the rising white smoke on March 15 (Tokyo Electric Power Co.)
Editor's note: We will update our earthquake news as frequently as possible on AJW's Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/AJW.Asahi. Please check the latest developments in this disaster. From Toshio Jo, managing editor, International Division, The Asahi Shimbun.
* * *
Tokyo Electric Power Co. acknowledged for the first time possible damage to core pressure containers at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant--the last line of defense in preventing radioactive materials from spewing out.
TEPCO officials told reporters Monday morning that despite the continuous pumping in of water to cool down the No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 reactor cores, water levels were not rising as expected, meaning the pressure containers may not be completely sealed off.
The water, which is believed to be mixing with radioactive materials from the fuel rods within, is likely leaking from the pressure containers, they said.
The tsunami that hit the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant after the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake knocked out the emergency generators at the three reactors. The systems that circulate water within the pressure containers to cool the fuel rods also stopped working.
Workers have been pumping in water through pipes to the pressure container to submerge the fuel rods and directly cool the decay heat that continues to be emitted even after the reactors were stopped.
But the water level meters for the three reactors have not risen as expected.
TEPCO officials said a possible reason the water levels were not rising sufficiently were breaches in the lower part of the pressure containers. They said they did not know what caused the possible damage.
A pressure container holds nuclear fuel pellets placed in metal rods that have been bundled together. A containment vessel, located within the building housing the reactor, surrounds the pressure container.
The pressure containers at the Fukushima plant are made of steel 16 centimeters thick. The lower part of the containers have openings for measuring and other equipment.
Water may be leaking from around those parts, the officials said. TEPCO has cited the possibility that fuel rods may have been damaged due to overheating after being exposed above the water's surface in the core.
According to experts, if the fuel rods are damaged and crumble, the melted fuel could fall and accumulate into a lump at the bottom of the pressure container. In that scenario, it would be more difficult to cool because of the fuel's larger surface area. The experts also said damaged fuel rods could have reached high temperatures that melted the walls of the pressure container.
However, TEPCO officials said major structural damage was unlikely and the soundness of the pressure container has probably been maintained because the pressure within the container remains at higher levels than the outside atmosphere.
TEPCO officials are trying to restart the cooling systems that circulate water so that they can stop discharging the water to the outside. But they have run into problems in obtaining a stable electric power source.
For now, they said the pumping will have to continue to cool the fuel rods, which raises concerns about highly contaminated water leaking steadily through breaches in the pressure containers.
At the same time, the Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan said Monday that extremely high levels of radiation have not been recorded outside the reactor buildings, making it possible to continue pumping in water and releasing steam to cool the core, even if water continues to leak.
The NSC also commented on the water accumulated at the basement of the turbine building of the No. 2 reactor that had radioactivity levels about 100,000 times above the normal level.
The commission said the water likely flowed into the turbine building from the core containment vessel after coming in contact with fuel rods that had temporarily melted.
29/03 タンクに次々移し替え…汚染水除去、綱渡りの作業


29/03 M7以上の余震発生確率は10% 気象庁が下方修正
29/03 群馬小6自殺「いじめが唯一の原因ではない」 第三者委
29/03 死亡1万1102人不明1万6493人―29日
29/03 原子炉圧力容器―損傷の恐れ直視し対策を
về potassium idodide với 2 chất Iod 131 và Cs 137,134
18/03/2011 lúc 8:42 chiều | Trả lời
Kính gởi TS Nguyễn Đình Đăng, thật cám ơn bài viết có tính trung thực và dễ hiểu của bác về các tình hình lẫn quá trình xảy ra ở NHDNT Fukushima. Cháu chỉ xin có một thắc mắc, đó là chất potassium iodide theo 1 số nguồn tin khoa học, cho rằng, chất này không có tác dụng ngăn được phóng xạ? Ngoài ra, viec sử dụng không có hướng dẫn và trong tình trạng đồn thổi ồ ạt kéo nhau sử dụng ở nhiều nơi vậy có an toàn cho sức khỏe không ạ? Mong được bác giúp đỡ giải thích thêm về tác động của potassium idodide với 2 chất Iod 131 và Cs 137,134 , cháu xin chân thành cám ơn bác!
Nguyễn Đình Đăng nói:
20/03/2011 lúc 1:03 chiều | Trả lờiPotassium iodide (KI) là muối của iodine bền vững I-127 (không phóng xạ). Cơ thể cần I-127 để tạo nên hormones tuyến giáp (thyroid hormones).
Sự cố tại lò phản ứng hạt nhân làm iodine phóng xạ I-131 thoát ra ngoài không khí, thâm nhập cơ thể người qua đường hô hấp (thở hít), tiêu hoá (ăn, uống). Khi đó tuyến giáp hấp thụ I-131, và sẽ bị tổn thương, có thể bị ung thư. I-131 có thời gian bán hủy (half-life) tương đối ngắn (khoảng 8 ngày). Vì thế không còn nhiều I-131 trong các thanh nhiên liệu đã qua sử dụng và đã được làm lạnh (cooled spent fuel).
Tuyến giáp hấp thụ, không phân biệt, cả I-127 và I-131. Potassium iodide (KI) có tác dụng cản không cho I-131 không thâm nhập vào tuyến giáp theo cơ chế đơn giản như sau. Khi uống một liều lượng potassium iodide (KI) đủ lớn, I-127 trong KI được tuyến giáp hấp thụ. Vì I-127 là nguyên tố bền vững, tuyến giáp trở nên “no” iodine, không thể hấp thụ iodine được nữa trong vòng 24 giờ, bất kể đó là iodine bền vững hay iodine phóng xạ.
Thực ra muối ăn chứa iodine (iodized table salt) của chúng ta cũng có chứa một lượng iodine đủ cho sức khoẻ chúng ta trong điều kiện bình thường, nhưng không đủ nhiều iodine đế cản iodine phóng xạ.
Potassium iodide (KI) chỉ cản không cho I-131 xâm nhập tuyến giáp (thyroid gland), chứ không bảo vệ được các bộ phận khác và cũng không chống được tác hại của các nguyên tố phóng xạ khác.
Chú ý:
1 – Chỉ được uống potassium iodine (KI) theo chỉ dẫn của bác sĩ và KI chỉ có tác dụng trong trường hợp bị nhiễm phóng xạ độ cao. Uống KI khi không cần thiết có thể gây hại cho sức khoẻ.2 – Chỉ những người dưới 40 tuổi mới có nhiều nguy cơ bị ung thư tuyến giáp vì nhiễm iodine 131, đặc biệt đối với trẻ nhỏ. Nguy cơ này ở những người trên 40 tuổi là rất nhỏ.
(Xem chi tiết tại http://www.nirs.go.jp/data/pdf/iodine.pdf)
nguồn: trang blog của Nguyễn Đình Đăng
29/03 60代からのマネー術 -- 自宅担保に借金、没後に返済(7)
28/03 Arabs Will Be Free
Democracy is a messy all-or-nothing business. That’s why I love it. You can no more be a little bit democratic than a little bit pregnant.
Yes, citizens go to the polls in Turkey, Lebanon and Israel and no dictator gets 99.3 percent of the vote. They are lands of opportunity where money is being made and where facile generalizations, for all their popularity, miss the point. Turkey has not turned Islamist, Lebanon is not in the hands of Hezbollah, and Israel is still an open society.
All three countries, of course, are also wracked by division and imperfection; but then two great merits of democracy are that it finesses division and does not aspire to perfection.
Speaking of Hezbollah, remember all that alarm a couple of months back when a Hezbollah-backed businessman, Najib Mikati, emerged as prime minister? After that, Lebanon introduced the Libyan no-fly-zone resolution at the United Nations — a rare, if little noted, example of the United States and a Hezbollah-supported government in sync.
Talk to Hezbollah: That’s obvious. It’s no terrorizing monolith. Mikati is struggling with the give-and-take of Lebanese politics. Life goes on in the freewheeling way that has long drawn repressed, frustrated Arabs to Beirut.
Hezbollah is a political party with a militia. That’s a big problem. Israel’s ultra-Orthodox Shas party has an outsized influence over Israel because of coalition politics. That’s a problem. The Muslim Brotherhood will loom large in a free Egypt because it has an organizational head start. That may be a problem. Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party is a brilliant political machine with a ruthless bent. That’s a problem, too.
These are problems of different sizes. But give me all these problems so long as they present themselves within open (or opening) systems. They are far preferable to the cowed conformity common to the terrorized societies of the now doomed Arab Jurassic Park, where despots do their worst.
It’s over: Enough of the nameless graves that whisper of horror, enough of the 20th-century police states in the 21st-century. Yes, it’s over for Ben Ali and for Mubarak. It’s over for Qaddafi, yes it is. How far it’s over for the other Arab despots and autocrats, whether of the oxymoronic “republics” or the royals, will depend on how far they can get out in front of their citizens’ demand to be heard.
You see, you can’t do Hama any more. You can’t do the Iraqi marshes. Perhaps you can kill dozens, but not tens of thousands. These despots relied on the limitlessness of their terror. It had to be as absolute as their contempt for the law.
But now people know. They communicate through the clampdowns. They are Facebook-nimble. The despots gaze into their gilded mirrors and, to their horror, see not themselves but the people who will be silenced no longer. They wonder then if their own myriad agents can be trusted. They are caught in their own web. They flail; they have gone too far to turn back but cannot go forward.
Bashar al-Assad, the embattled Syrian president, was about to say something Sunday, before deciding not to. He was trained in west London as an eye doctor. He’d better stop thinking Hama — where his father murdered at least 10,000 — and start thinking Hammersmith.
Questions swirl. Who are the Libyan rebels? Who are the angry of Latakia? The Arab transitions will be long and bumpy — like those that brought representative government to Latin America and Central Europe and wide swathes of Asia — but now that fear has been overcome, they are irreversible.
Here’s who the protesters are: people like Asmaa Mahfouz, 26, the Egyptian woman who on Jan. 18 made a video urging citizens to go to Tahrir Square on Jan. 25 — the demonstration that would start the revolution. She said then: “We’ll go down and demand our rights, our fundamental human rights. I won’t even talk about any political rights. We just want our human rights and nothing else.” And she said people “don’t have to come to Tahrir Square, just go down anywhere and say it, that we are free human beings.” And: “This is enough!”
People are being born throughout the Middle East. They are discovering their capacity to change things, their inner “Basta!” That’s how the Arab spring began on Dec. 17 in the little town of Sidi Bouzid in Tunisia — with a fruit peddler’s “enough” to humiliation. In my end is my beginning.
Three months later the genie is not only out of the bottle, it’s shattered the bottle. I said of Libya in an earlier column: Be ruthless or stay out. So now the West is in, be ruthless. Arm the resurgent rebels. Incapacitate Qaddafi. Do everything short of putting troops on the ground. Qaddafi, as President Obama has said, “must leave.” So that Libya can be an Arab country that is imperfect but open.
You can follow Roger Cohen on Twitter at twitter.com/nytimescohen .
Editorial: President Obama on Libya
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29/03 các comments về bài Fukushima 1 không phải là Chernobyl thứ hai
18/03/2011 lúc 11:39 chiều | Trả lời
Cảm ơn tác giả về bài viết rất hay.
Tôi có một câu hỏi nhỏ nhằm nắm bắt vấn đề được tốt hơn: trong trường hợp không làm nguội được lò, liệu nhiệt độ có thể nóng lên rất cao tới mức làm chảy tan các thanh điểu khiển và làm giảm mất tác dụng hấp thụ neutrons? và nếu có thì liệu khi đó có thể dẫn tới các neutrons tự do có thể lại bắn phá được các hạt nhân uranium 235 trong các thanh nhiên liệu, và phản ứng dây chuyền có thể tái xảy ra?
Nguyễn Đình Đăng nói:
19/03/2011 lúc 2:06 sáng | Trả lờiLo ngại của anh có cơ sở. Nước có tác dụng hai mặt: vừa hấp thụ lại vưà làm chậm neutrons. Neutrons chậm dễ bị uranium hấp thụ, gây ra phản ứng phân hạch.
Trong lõi lò, các bó thanh nhiên liệu được xếp rất gần nhau, vì vậy sác xuất các neutrons chậm bị uranium hấp thụ lớn hơn nhiều so với sác xuất các neutrons chậm này bị nước hấp thụ, điều kiện tới hạn dễ dàng đạt được, dẫn đến phản ứng dây chuyền.
Còn trong bể chứa, các thanh nhiên liệu đã qua sử dụng được đặt cách xa nhau. Cho nên, trước khi lao được vào thanh nhiên liệu bên cạnh thì neutrons đã bị nước hấp thụ rồi, nên phản ứng dây chuyền sẽ không xảy ra.
Tuy nhiên nếu các thanh nhiên liệu bị tan chảy, thì các viên nhiên liệu chảy xuống đáy bể thành kết thành đống. Nếu bây giờ tưới nước vào thì neutrons chậm sẽ dễ gây phản ứng dây chuyền hơn là bị nước hấp thụ. Chính vì vậy mà người ta phải pha boric acid vào nước để tăng khả năng hấp thụ neutrons, khiến neutrons bị hấp thụ bởi nước nhanh hơn là bởi các thanh nhiên liệu nóng chảy, ngăn chặn phản ứng dây chuyền xảy ra.
Nếu phản ứng dây chuyền xảy ra thì, tuy không có vụ nổ, nhưng lượng phóng xạ sinh ra và thoát vào môi trường sẽ rất lớn – một điều hết sức nguy hiểm.
Nguyễn Hữu Viện nói:
19/03/2011 lúc 3:51 chiềuAnh Nguyễn Đình Đăng,
“Tuy nhiên nếu các thanh nhiên liệu bị tan chảy, thì các viên nhiên liệu chảy xuống đáy bể thành kết thành đống. Nếu bây giờ tưới nước vào thì neutrons chậm sẽ dễ gây phản ứng dây chuyền hơn là bị nước hấp thụ. Chính vì vậy mà người ta phải pha boric acid vào nước để tăng khả năng hấp thụ neutrons, khiến neutrons bị hấp thụ bởi nước nhanh hơn là bởi các thanh nhiên liệu nóng chảy, ngăn chặn phản ứng dây chuyền xảy ra. Nếu phản ứng dây chuyền xảy ra thì, tuy không có vụ nổ, nhưng lượng phóng xạ sinh ra và thoát vào môi trường sẽ rất lớn – một điều hết sức nguy hiểm.”
Chính vậy mà cách đây 2 hôm, Pháp vừa gởi gần 100 tấn boric acid đến Fukushima. Hoa Kỳ cũng đóng vai trò tích cực tại Fukushima.
Fukushima 1 không phải là Chernobyl thứ hai
28/03 Ex-Girlfriend Details How Bonds Changed

Kimberly Bell gave graphic and sometimes tearful testimony in United States District Court about the changes she noticed in Bonds during their nine-year relationship.
Everyone except Bonds. As Bell took the witness stand, Bonds’s eyes were fixed on the defense table in Courtroom 10 of the Phillip Burton Federal Building. He knew what was coming.
For more than a decade, baseball and its fans have had to confront certain aspects of the sport’s steroids scandal: the unfair advantage gained by players who were using the drugs; the skepticism that baseball’s drug-testing policy was meaningfully set up to catch anyone; the tainted careers that have left likely Hall of Famers consigned to ignominy instead.
But on Monday, the public was introduced to what prosecutors insist is another side of the scandal: the physical toll of taking steroids, in effect what the athletes who used them were willing to do to their own bodies in pursuit of an advantage, real or imagined.
It was not pretty.
“He developed acne on his upper shoulders and back; his hair was falling out quickly, and he ended shaving it all off,” Bell testified of Bonds as the jury sat to her left, rapt. Then her voice grew so faint it was barely audible. “He changed sexually, in his testicles and performance and that.”
Between deep breaths and under unsparing questioning, Bell further testified: “The shape, size of his testicles were smaller, unusual, differently shaped.” Of Bonds, baseball’s official home run king, she testified that he had to resort to using “something” to resolve his trouble maintaining an erection.
For nearly six hours, Bell gave graphic and sometimes tearful testimony in United States District Court about the changes she noticed in Bonds, including a bloated face and belly. Prosecutors said all of it — the changed appearance and behavioral qualities — were documented symptoms of steroid use and thus evidence that Bonds had used them during his career, then lied about that fact under oath when questioned before a grand jury in 2003.
Bonds’s lawyers, in their cross-examination, tried to paint Bell as a vindictive, attention-craving gold-digger who was upset about their breakup. She posed in Playboy for money, was writing a book about her relationship with Bonds and gave at least 20 radio interviews about the subject, the defense pointed out.
Those attempts, to be sure, were aimed at blunting the power of her often explicit firsthand testimony.
Bell said she spoke to Bonds once about his possible steroid use, in 1999, but never pressed him about it because he told her it was common in baseball. Besides, she said he told her, he did not inject himself every day, as some bodybuilders do.
“He mentioned that other players do it and that’s how they got ahead,” Bell, who dated Bonds from 1994 to 2003, said. “That’s how they achieved.”
Bell testified that she had a good reason for never bringing up the subject of steroids with him again: she was afraid of him.
During their later years together, she said Bonds grew irritable and verbally abusive — “almost violent.” The government insists that change in his demeanor was brought about by steroid use.
Bell testified that Bonds threatened “to cut my head off and leave me in a ditch” and said that “he would cut out my breast implants because he paid for them.” He also said he was going to burn her house down, she said.
“I didn’t want to make him angry,” Bell said, growing teary. “I didn’t want him to yell at me.”
Their relationship started differently, she said. Bell first met Bonds in the parking lot of the San Francisco Giants’ stadium in the summer of 1994, then chatted with him the next day at a friend’s barbecue. She took a long drive with him in his new Porsche and spent the night with him that night, beginning their long relationship.
Bell said the first she heard of Bonds’s steroid use in 1999, when he talked about an elbow injury he had.
“He said it was because of steroids,” she said, adding that he explained that the muscle and tendons grew faster than the joint, so his elbow simply “blew out.”
Bell said she soon discovered that those achievements came at a cost. Bonds asked her to help clear up the acne on his back and shoulders, she said. She also remembered him standing in front of a mirror at spring training in 2000 and asking if she thought the bloating and puffiness in his face and belly were noticeable to others.
Yet she stayed with him. At times, he gave her money, in the thousands, and even helped her move to Arizona and put a down payment of $60,000 or maybe $80,000 on a house there shortly after he married his second wife, she said.
The defense questioned Bell’s motivation for testifying against Bonds, which she first did before a federal grand jury in 2005. Bell was angry that Bonds told her to “disappear” in early 2003, said Cris Arguedas, one of Bonds’s lawyers.
Arguedas said, “Sell a book that capitalizes on his fame, make a bunch of money, that was one part of your plan, wasn’t it?”
The Giants’ equipment manager, Mike Murphy, also testified Monday and said that Bonds’s cap size changed from 7 ¼ to 7‹. That change, prosecutors contend, showed Bonds’s head growth, which they say is evidence of use of human growth hormone.
Murphy, who has worked for the Giants for 54 years, said the cap size of several other Giants players, including Willie Mays and Willie McCovey, also increased, but only after they retired and gained weight.
The defense questioned Murphy for only a few minutes before Bell took the stand — and she remained there for the rest of the day. With her, the questioning was unrelenting.
Arguedas asked about an e-mail Bell sent to Bonds’s Web site after their breakup. Bell wrote about the other girlfriends she said Bonds had in other cities, calling one “the ugly whore in Vegas” and another “the stripper from Phoenix,” Arguedas said.
She asked Bell how Bonds — “the man you testified had some penile dysfunction” — could have so many girlfriends.
“You still weren’t angry?” Arguedas asked.
“Not really, no,” Bell answered.
At day’s end, a prosecutor, Jeffrey Nedrow, asked Bell, “Did you make this up just to get back at the defendant?” Bell answered no.
He asked, “Is it fun testifying in front of all these people?”
Choking up, Bell glanced at the jury and said no.
Behind the Plate, a Cut Above
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29/03 Nhật Bản đang trong "tình trạng báo động cực điểm"
Đo độ phóng xạ tại Iitate, tỉnh Fukushima, ngày 27/3. (Nguồn: AFP/TTXVN)
Phát biểu trước cuộc họp của ủy ban ngân sách Hạ viện Nhật Bản, ông Kan cho biết tình trạng này "tiếp tục không thể dự đoán được" và chính phủ nước này "sẽ giải quyết vấn đề này trong tình trạng báo động cực điểm."
Thủ tướng Kan cũng ám chỉ việc hoãn cuộc thảo luận của chính phủ về cải cách thuế và vấn đề thương mại tự do sau trận động đất trên.
Trong diễn biến khác, nước chứa phóng xạ của nhà máy điện hạt nhân trên vẫn chưa xác định được liệu có bị rò rỉ ra biển thông qua đường hầm của lò phản ứng hay không.
Ngoài ra, Viện An toàn Hạt nhân Hàn Quốc cho biết các dấu vết phóng xạ iốt-131 đã được phát hiện tại nước này sau khi phân tích các mẫu không khí được lấy từ 12 địa điểm trên cả nước song ở mức độ chưa gây nguy hại cho sức khỏe cộng đồng và môi trường.
Trong khi đó, dấu vết các chất phóng xạ được cho là có xuất xứ từ nhà máy điện Fukushima của Nhật Bản cũng được phát hiện có trong không khí tại các bang Nam Carolina, Bắc Carolina và Florida của Mỹ./.
29/03 IAEA yêu cầu họp cấp cao về an toàn hạt nhân
Khói bốc lên từ khu vực lò phản ứng số 3 của nhà máy điện Fukushima 1 ngày 21/3. (Nguồn: AFP/TTXVN)
Ngày 28/3, Giám đốc Cơ quan năng lượng nguyên tử quốc tế (IAEA) Yukiya Amano đã yêu cầu tổ chức một hội nghị quốc tế cấp cao trong vòng ba tháng tới nhằm củng cố các biện pháp an toàn và cách ứng phó khẩn cấp trong trường hợp xảy ra khủng hoảng tại các nhà máy điện hạt nhân như tại Nhật Bản hiện nay.
Phát biểu trong cuộc họp báo tại trụ sở của IAEA ở Vienna (Áo), ông Yukiya Amano cho biết cuộc khủng hoảng tại nhà máy điện hạt nhân Fukushima số 1 tại Nhật Bản đã đặt ra thách thức lớn đối với IAEA và cộng đồng quốc tế. Thế giới phải rút ra những bài học đúng đắn kể từ sau sự kiện ngày 11/3 tại Nhật Bản và từ đó tăng cường các biện pháp an toàn hạt nhân trên toàn thế giới.
Ông Amano đề nghị tổ chức hội nghị cấp cao của IAEA tại Vienna vào cuối tháng Sáu tới (trước mùa Hè này), khẳng định cơ quan an toàn hạt nhân này là tổ chức chuyên môn, có thể đảm bảo sự minh bạch để xử lý sự cố như tại Fukushima. Ông Amano cho rằng cần mất thêm một thời gian nữa mới có thể ổn định được các lò phản ứng hạt nhân tại Fukushima.
Đề cập chương trình hội nghị, ông Amano cho rằng hội nghị này cần xem xét những đánh giá ban đầu về sự cố Fukushima, những ảnh hưởng và hậu quả của nó; những bài học rút ra; đưa ra quá trình nhằm tăng cường an toàn hạt nhân và tăng cường các biện pháp khẩn cấp nhằm đối phó với sự cố hạt nhân.
Giám đốc IAEA cũng cho biết thêm tình hình tại nhà máy điện hạt nhân Fukushima hiện tại vẫn nghiêm trọng và IAEA đã cử hai đoàn giám sát phóng xạ đến Nhật Bản để theo dõi tình hình, một nhóm khác hỗ trợ Tổ chức Nông Lương Liên hợp quốc (FAO) theo dõi về vấn đề an toàn thực phẩm.
Trong một diễn biến liên quan, Bộ Giáo dục, Khoa học và Công nghệ Hàn Quốc ngày 29/3 cho biết các dấu vết phóng xạ iodine, được cho là có xuất xứ từ nhà máy điện Fukushima số 1 của Nhật Bản, đã được phát hiện tại thủ đô Seoul và bảy khu vực khác tại nước này.
Trước đó, phóng xạ xenon-133 với hàm lượng nhỏ cũng đã được phát hiện tại tỉnh Gangwon, Đông Bắc Hàn Quốc. Bộ trên khẳng định mức phóng xạ này chưa gây nguy hại cho sức khỏe cộng đồng và môi trường.
Cùng ngày, các nhà chức trách Mỹ cho biết đã phát hiện dấu vết chất phóng xạ iodine-131 tại ba bang nước này gồm Nam Carolina, Bắc Carolina và Florida.
Tuy nhiên, các nhà chức trách cho rằng lượng phóng xạ này chưa đến mức nguy hại cho sức khỏe người dân. Trước đó, phóng xạ iodine-131 cũng được phát hiện tại các bang Hawaii, California, Nevada và Massachusetts./.
28/03 3-Month Nightmare Emerges in Rape Inquiry

LEAVING HOME: The 11-year-old girl often came home, right, late at night, her father says.
“She has always been a really bubbly child,” said Brenda Myers, director of the Community and Children’s Impact Center, who worked with her. “She always had a smile on her face.”
But in October, just after starting sixth grade, the girl became withdrawn, Ms. Myers said, and in November, she stopped attending the center’s meetings.
What happened during those months is the subject of a criminal investigation that has sent waves of shock and sorrow through this impoverished town and has provoked anger across the nation.
The police say the girl was raped on at least six occasions, from Sept. 15 to Dec. 3. Nineteen boys and men, ages 14 to 27, have been charged in connection with the rapes, the most recent arrest last Wednesday.
Court documents and dozens of interviews over several weeks with the girl’s family, her friends and neighbors, as well as those who know the defendants, provide a more complete picture of what occurred as well as a deeper portrait of the victim. What begins to emerge is the nightmarish ordeal of a young girl over two and a half months involving an eclectic group of young men, some with criminal records, who shared a powerful neighborhood bond.

A TROUBLED HOME: The initial assaults occurred in the Rayford T. Ellis home, the affidavits say.
Later in the day, she told her mother she had been raped after her parents found sexually explicit photos that had been sent to her father’s cellphone, which she had been using. She told her father that the men had threatened to kill her.
Juan, whose last name is being withheld to protect his daughter’s identity, said his wife reported the crime to the police three days later, but in court documents the Cleveland Police Department said it was first alerted on Dec. 3 by school authorities.
Juan said his daughter had been a bright and easygoing girl, adept at schoolwork. As she reached puberty, he said, she had grown tall for her age and had begun to talk about wanting to be a fashion model. Yet she was still a child; her bed was piled high with stuffed animals. “Her mind is a child’s mind,” he said. “That’s what makes me so angry.”
The arrests have raised fundamental questions about how a girl might have been repeatedly abused by many men and boys in a tightly knit community without any adult intervening, or even seeming to register that something was amiss, until sexually explicit videos of the victim began circulating in local schools.
“It wasn’t that anyone was asleep,” said the Rev. Travis Hulett Jr., the pastor of the New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, which anchors the Precinct 20 neighborhood where most of the defendants live. “You can be awake and see things and still not do anything.”
The Cleveland police and the local district attorney have released little information about the alleged rapes and the evidence, and their silence has allowed rumor and speculation to flourish. Judge Mark Morefield of State District Court issued a broad order two weeks ago prohibiting law enforcement officials, defense lawyers, potential witnesses and relatives of the girl and defendants from speaking about the case to reporters.
According to court documents, the police seized the telephones of three men arrested, and the father of the girl said his family’s phones and computer were taken for evidence, as well. Eighteen defendants have pleaded not guilty; the 19th has yet to be arraigned.
The police interviewed the girl in early December, after school security officials heard rumors about sexually explicit videos circulating among the students. Then an elementary school student told a school employee she had seen pictures of the girl having sex with two young men, one of them a high school basketball star.
The girl, a sixth grader whose parents are immigrants from Mexico, told investigators that one of the defendants called her on Sunday, Nov. 28, during the Thanksgiving break, and asked if she wanted “to ride around,” according to four police search warrant affidavits.
That defendant, Eric B. McGowen, 19, who was on probation for burglary, and two other male teenagers picked her up at her house, and took her to a house in Precinct 20, the affidavits said. The wooded community is a hodgepodge of small houses, trailers and churches, bordered on two sides by railroad tracks and on a third by a prison. Everyone is related by blood or friendship.
The girl was taken to a blue house with white trim and a heart-shaped welcome sign — a house with a troubled history. The head of the household, Rayford T. Ellis, has a long criminal record and is a registered sex offender; one of his sons, Authur Ellis, 27, was arrested this year on murder charges. Neither man is charged in this case.
The police say a younger son, Rayford T. Ellis Jr., 19, an iron worker known as Mookie, shot and killed a teenager at the same house in August 2008. The younger Rayford Ellis was awaiting trial on manslaughter charges when he was arrested in early February on charges that he had raped the girl. (He has fathered at least five children with four young women, according to paternity suits.)
It is unclear from the affidavits if the younger Mr. Ellis was there the night of Nov. 28. But the girl said that a cousin, Timothy D. Ellis, 19, was there, and ordered her to strip, telling her that he would “have some girls beat her up” and would not drive her home if she refused, the affidavits said.
The affidavits said the girl told investigators that she then “engaged in sexual intercourse and oral sex” with several of the men present, among them Jared G. McPherson, 18, a high school basketball player, and Jared L. Cruse, also 18, who has since been charged with robbing a grocery store in the next county.
During the sexual assault, the girl said, she heard Mr. McGowen call someone on the phone and invite him to the house to have sex with her, the affidavits said. Four more men whom she did not know arrived.
The assault was interrupted when Timothy Ellis’s aunt arrived at the house, the affidavits said, and the men took the girl out a back window to a squalid abandoned trailer a block away, where the sexual attack continued. Her underwear was left behind.
According to indictments, one man accused of participating was Kelvin R. King, 21, who was out on bond while awaiting trial on rape and robbery charges. Another was Marcus A. Porchia, 26, who worked at a local mental health clinic. Yet another, Isaiah R. Ross, 21, the son of a local school board member, was also present at the Nov. 28 rape, according to a search warrant affidavit for his telephone.
The November assault was not isolated, court documents say. Mr. King’s brother, Xavier M. King, 17, and Devo Shaun Green, 20, are accused of raping the girl on Sept. 15. Mr. McGowen and two others — Jamarcus N. Napper, 18, and Cedric DeRay Scott, 27 — are charged with sexually assaulting her on Oct. 25. Carlos B. Ligons, 22, is charged with sexually assaulting her on Dec. 1. The last indictment, released Monday, accuses Walter J. Harrison, 26, of raping her on Dec. 1 and Dec. 3. The police released no details about those episodes.
Four of the defendants are charged with continuous sexual abuse of a young child. The rest are charged with a single count of aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14. Both felonies carry a sentence of 25 years to life in prison. In Texas, a child under 17 cannot give legal consent and, as in most states, ignorance of a child’s age is not a legal defense.
Bertha Cleveland, an aunt of Mr. Cruse, said her nephew went to church regularly, held down a job at McDonald’s and had told her he intended to go to college. “Our younger generation is running rampant,” she said. “The devil is in full control.”
Residents of Precinct 20 were torn between condemning the crime and defending the young men. Several expressed doubt that all of them were guilty. The grandmother of Mr. Napper said he was out of town at the time of the assaults.
Xavier King, a high school student accused in the Sept. 15 rape, told The New York Times that he did not know the girl and that he thought he had been arrested because “the people I hang with probably said my name, and if they go down, I go down with them.”
The small house where the girl lived is on a dusty road on the outskirts of town, about 10 miles from Precinct 20. There were chickens in the yard and a trampoline out front, where her father sometimes slept during the afternoons. She lived there with her parents, two older sisters who were in high school and a younger brother.
A 36-year-old cousin of the girl, who lived next door, said her family was in dire economic straits since Juan stopped working. The water and electricity had been cut off at times in recent months.
The house is empty now. Two weeks ago, the family moved to another town after detectives told the parents that they were in danger, Juan said.
The father said he had been worried about his daughter’s safety for months before the assaults. She had been sneaking out of the house two or three nights a week, he said, climbing out a bedroom window. Some nights she would come home as late as 11 p.m. or midnight, saying she had visited girlfriends. He said he and his wife had scolded her almost daily.
Both parents are plagued with health problems. Juan injured his back in November 2009 and has not held a steady job since. A diabetic, he receives disability checks of $700 a month. His wife, 42, was told last year that she had a mass in her brain, and a doctor had said it should be removed, friends said. She suffers frequent headaches and fainting spells.
Yet she put off surgery and continued to work at night at a cashier at an underground gambling parlor, friends said. “She wasn’t interested in living,” said Maria Luisa Lopez, a longtime friend. “She felt very sad.”
Two months ago, when the arrests started, the state Child Protective Services placed the girl, who had also received threats, in a foster home. “They told her it was best that they take her away from this town,” Ms. Lopez said.
A case worker has informed Juan that he and his wife must attend family therapy sessions to regain custody. Juan said he was despondent at the prospect of losing his daughter permanently. He said that she was doing well but that she was still fearful. “You can see she’s not happy,” he said. Then he added, “She will never recover from this.”
Gang Rape of Minor Reported
MORENO VALLEY, Calif. (AP) — Members of a Southern California gang raped an 11-year-old girl in the restroom of a neighborhood park, law enforcement officials said, and seven people have been arrested and charged.
The girl was raped at Victoriano Park on March 10 between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., the officials said. The attack was not made public until Sunday.
Six boys were arrested shortly after the rape, investigators said. Their names were not released because they are all minors, although the boys were over the age of 14.
A seventh male, Michael Sykes, 19, of Moreno Valley, was arrested Monday.
The 11-year-old was approached at a shopping center by an older girl she knew and was led to the park where the gang members were waiting, Lt. Chad Bianco told The Riverside Press-Enterprise.
29/03 'Hot' water removal going slowly / Flooded steam condensers in reactors hamper workers' efforts
Steam condensers at the Nos. 2 and 3 reactors of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant are flooded, making it difficult for workers to remove highly radioactive water from inside the turbine buildings, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Monday.
The turbine buildings house equipment indispensable to carrying out full-scale cooling of the troubled reactors.
Radioactive water has accumulated at the bottom of the buildings.
In the case of the No. 1 reactor, TEPCO could not ascertain when it would be able to completely pump out the water because of a huge quantity of water in the basement of the turbine building.
Referring to radiation of more than 1,000 millisieverts per hour that was detected on the surface of the radioactive water at the No. 2 reactor, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said Monday the high level of radiation was caused by water overflowing after coming in contact with nuclear fuel rods that had temporarily melted.
Earlier in the day, TEPCO said the concentration of radioactive substances in the water at the No. 2 reactor's turbine building was about 100,000 times higher than normal in water inside a reactor.
The utility said Sunday morning that the concentration of radioactive iodine-134 detected in water taken the previous day from the basement of the turbine building of the No. 2 reactor was 2.9 billion becquerels per milliliter, or 10 million times the normal concentration.
Later that day, TEPCO corrected that analysis, saying it was highly possible that cobalt-56 was mistaken for iodine-134 when compiling the earlier data. Early Monday, the company again made a correction, saying it should have referred to cesium-134, not cobalt-56.
The concentration of radioactive substances detected at the same place in the No. 2 reactor was 20 million becquerels per milliliter or 100,000 times that of the water inside a reactor, TEPCO said.
There was some good news. TEPCO reported that the spent nuclear fuel rod temporary storage pools at the Nos. 2 and 3 reactors were confirmed to be filled to their capacity Monday.
Despite this, restoration work at the plant is expected to take a long time, observers said.
Referring to the radiation-contaminated water at the basement of Reactor No. 2's turbine building, Edano said the contamination was regrettable but restoration work would continue at the plant while ensuring there was no health risk.
With regard to the Nos. 1 and 3 reactors, where concentrations of radioactive substances are lower than at Reactor No. 2, he said radioactive water that became steam in the reactor containment vessel was condensed or diluted as a result of water spraying.
Reactor No. 1's condenser has a capacity of 1,600 tons while those of the Nos. 2 and 3 reactors are almost twice that at 3,000 tons.
Work to remove radioactive water from the basement of Reactor No. 1's turbine building has started. Additional pumps have been installed to remove the radioactive water, but it remains to be seen when the work can be finished because of the large volume of water.
The condensers at the Nos. 2 and 3 reactors cannot take additional radioactive water because they are already full. TEPCO is looking into the possibility of transferring contaminated water to tanks located at other places. But new pipes will be needed to connect them, TEPCO said.
The amount of radiation in the air in the basements of the turbine buildings amounted to 25 millisieverts per hour at the No. 1 reactor, more than 1,000 millisieverts at the No. 2 reactor and 400 millisieverts at the No. 3 reactor.
The high radiation records at the Nos. 2 and 3 reactors made it difficult to make progress in removing radioactive water.
To help ensure safety in the dark working environment, TEPCO is considering bringing temporary lighting equipment into the basements of the turbine buildings of the Nos. 2 and 3 reactors and dividing workers into several groups so they can work for short periods.
As for pouring freshwater into Reactor No. 2, TEPCO has installed electric-driven pumps inside the turbine building to connect them with a power supply. On Sunday afternoon, water-spraying into the reactor started using water drawn directly from a freshwater tank installed about one kilometer away.
(Mar. 29, 2011)
29/03 Embassies need concrete info on aid supplies
Arranging for aid supplies from overseas takes a great deal of time, a senior Foreign Ministry official said recently in explanation of the confusion surrounding such provisions.
"We have to respond to requests from disaster sites and make preparations so aid supplies can be handled smoothly," the official said. "Furthermore, transportation is limited, so it takes a lot of time to make the necessary arrangements," he said.
The official also said there was sometimes no space to store foreign aid supplies, and evacuees tend to prefer Japanese food if they have a choice.
According to the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry, the central government declined the Thai government's offer to send rice because Japan has more than 3 million tons in stock. There also was not great demand for donated rice at disaster sites, the ministry said.
An official at a Latin American nation's embassy in Tokyo said the country offered food and water immediately after the earthquake, but the Japanese government requested financial aid instead.
The Japanese government said it would take time to make arrangements based on demands from disaster areas, the embassy official said.
Donated food and other items have already arrived at some foreign embassies in Tokyo, which may be at a loss as to what to do with the supplies.
One embassy official spoke for many foreign missions when saying: "If we received more concrete information from the Japanese government regarding what supplies are needed in specific areas, we could support them more efficiently."
(Mar. 29, 2011)
29/03 空きタンク総動員で排水作業…2・3号機
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29/03 汚染水除去、本格化…3号機では「玉突き排水」
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29/03 1号機トレンチの汚染水、タービン建屋と直結か
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29/03 Photographic evidence of damage at Fukushima nuclear plant

Photographs released by the Defense Ministry offer graphic evidence of the damage to reactor buildings at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant caused by the March 11 mega-earthquake and tsunami.

While the steel framework is visible, the steam and smoke previously seen billowing from the building is not. The current water level in the fuel rod pool cannot be ascertained from the outside.
The No. 2 reactor building incurred the least damage of the four reactor buildings, although the suppression pool that lies under the core containment vessel was likely damaged by an explosion on March 15.
However, white smoke or steam can be seen rising from several holes in the roof and walls. Cracks in the walls are also evident.
Steam is rising profusely from the upper part of the building housing the No. 3 reactor, which was badly damaged by a hydrogen explosion.

A crane normally used to lift and move fuel rods is not visible, indicating the possibility that part of the crane may have fallen into the fuel rod pool and damaged some of the rods.
The walls of the No. 4 reactor building exhibit similar damage to the No. 1 and No. 3 reactor buildings where hydrogen explosions occurred, and steam rises from various parts of what is left of the structure.
What appears to be a green crane as well as a yellow structure, probably the cover for the core containment vessel, are visible inside the building.
The cover was likely removed while the reactor was undergoing a periodic inspection prior to the earthquake.
29/03 Quake causing production stoppages across the world

The U.S. research firm IHS Automotive released a report on Friday forecasting that cuts in Japanese carmakers' production and the failure of parts supplies from Japan would reduce global automobile production by 600,000 vehicles by the end of March.
The number of cars manufactured worldwide could drop by up to 30 percent in the two months following the quake, according to IHS.
General Motors Co., the largest U.S. automaker, shut down an assembly plant making compact pickups in Shreveport, Louisiana, on March 21 because vital parts shipments from Japan had failed to arrive.
The company also stopped some production lines and stood down 59 workers at a factory in Buffalo, New York, that supplies engines to the Louisiana plant.
GM plans to resume operations at the Shreveport factory on March 28 and recall the workers in Buffalo after sourcing the necessary supplies.
GM's Opel unit in Europe has suspended operations at plants in Spain and Germany.
GM Chief Executive Daniel Akerson said on March 19 that the disruption from the quake could affect all automakers.
Ford Motor Co. on Friday told dealers to stop taking orders for vehicles painted in "tuxedo black" because of difficulties with importing a special pigment from Japan.
PSA Peugeot Citroen, the major French automaker, said disruption to supplies of electronics parts from the Tokyo-based auto parts firm Hitachi Automotive Systems Ltd. was beginning to affect operations at its diesel engine plants in Europe.
Peugeot Citroen has not yet stopped any of its production lines, but a spokesman said many of its factories were being affected.
Supply problems are also hitting other industries. Apple Inc.'s iPad 2 tablet uses at least five Japanese-made parts, according to a U.S. research firm.
Semiconductor memory chips supplied by Japanese makers could be replaced by South Korean products, but other parts, including special glass used in displays, have no alternative suppliers, according to the research firm.
The aircraft manufacturing industry is also bracing itself for supply problems. Tokyo-based IHI Corp. makes vital aircraft engine parts for General Electric Co. and others at its plant in Soma, a city in quake-hit Fukushima Prefecture. That factory is now at a standstill.
Power outages and disruption to transportation networks are compounding parts shortages.
A senior official of one Asian country's Japan chamber of commerce said uncertainty about when infrastructure would be restored meant that "many companies are finding it difficult to foresee how things will pan out and are finding it impossible to develop business plans."
At a regular news conference on March 22, Yao Jian, a spokesperson for China's Ministry of Commerce, predicted that Japanese companies would look to facilities in China to take over some of their production.
A senior official of a special economic zone in Guangdong province is reported to have proposed that quake-hit Japanese makers build substitute plants in the economic zone while extending his condolences to business partners for the disaster.
Some Japanese makers are already preparing to shift equipment and materials to China, while others are considering building new plants in the country rather than repairing the damage at home.
A wide range of industries, including the electronics parts, steel and auto parts sectors, are expected to follow such moves.
After the March 11 quake, Sony Corp. announced a plan to consider temporarily shifting production overseas.
The trend could lead to transfer of a broad array of Japanese technologies to foreign companies and countries.
Mei Xinyu, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said there are many countries wishing to attract the parts businesses that constitute the core of the Japanese manufacturing sector.
Mei predicted that The Great East Japan Earthquake will result in accelerating technology transfer from Japan.
"Makers in South Korea and Taiwan are looking for opportunities to win contracts to supply customers that are suffering from parts supply failures from Japan," an executive at a Japanese manufacturer in China said. "We cannot afford to give them any such an opportunity."
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「緊急地震速報 強い揺れに備えて下さい」

