Friday, July 8, 2011
08/07 「やらせメール」とは情けない
08/07 経産相辞意―「内閣崩壊」の異常さ
08/07 天声人語
08/07 憂楽帳:世界遺産・西湖
毎日新聞 2011年7月8日 西部夕刊
08/07 よみうり寸評
(2011年7月8日13時44分 読売新聞)
08/07 Expert's Expo point of view
CRI | July 08, 2011 10:36 By Agencies |

Wu Xueping, deputy director of Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Landscape and Forestry. Photo: CRI
The ongoing Xi'an International Horticultural Expo is a great place to sample the subtle differences between the gardening culture of the East and the West, said an expert in ancient gardening and architecture.
Wu Xueping, deputy director of Xi'an municipal bureau of landscape and forestry, said in an exclusive interview with CRI reporters that visiting the 109 unique gardens at the garden expo is something not to be missed for garden lovers.
The different characteristics of different nations of the world are embodied in their garden culture, Wu Xueping said.
Commenting on a recently concluded competition in which over 170 gardening artists from home and abroad presented 300 flower arrangement artworks to vie for visitor attention, Wu Xueping said it is interesting if one could tell the cultural differences those artworks represent.
"The oriental flower arrangement aims at demonstrating the individual beauty." said Wu, "the oriental style strives to display the beauty of one flower, one leave, or one single posture of the plant. The leaves and branches of the flower are paid with equal attention as they are indispensable to the meaningful posture of the artwork. The oriental way delivers the beauty of simplicity."
"The western flower arrangement specializes in bringing about visual impact by the formation of a collection of flowers." Wu continued. "The color is eye-catching. The postures are simple. It displays its intention through simple geometric patterns like "O" shape, "L" shape and oval shape. It is about the overall beauty."
It is quite interesting when you consider actually it is the West that is famous for individualism and the East collectivism.
As an expert who has worked in the garden design for some 30 years, Wu Xueping proceeded to share with CRI reporters her overall impression of the garden designers of the East and the West.
"The Chinese garden designers are like poets inking down a literature piece. Their ways are elusive and better to be guessed than known for sure. They aim to incorporate the image of nature, the thoughts in their minds, and the Chinese cultural blood into their artworks." Wu Xueping said.
"The western garden designers emphasize order, pattern, accuracy and overall appearance. Their ways of expression are direct and straightforward. Take the parterre for instance, it forcibly trim the plant into the shape as desired by the gardener. The western garden designers are like mathematicians writing down a formula." Wu added.
The expert on Chinese gardens went on further to explain the unique garden aesthetics of the Chinese.
"Ancient Chinese believe that gardening is man's artistic way of recreating the natural landscape." Wu Xueping said. "Gardens are created for men. So what man wants -- mountains, rivers, woods, and open grounds - are all duly created and incorporated in a Chinese garden. It caters to men's need of getting close to nature."
"The Perfect Chinese Garden should be made out of the hand of man, but following the hints of Nature." She paraphrased a credo from an ancient garden classic.
Among the 109 gardens at the expo site, about half of them are provided by different provinces or regions in China. 10 are from different counties inside Shaanxi Province.
According to Wu Xueping, all the gardens from China have reflected the unique Chinese concept and techniques of creating a garden, from layout of the landscape to the use of water and vegetation.
Some of these gardens are decorated with cultural hallmarks, like the Xianyang Garden being furnished with a miniature sculpture series of Qin Shi Huang, China's first emperor, to display the culture-rich province's splendid heritage.
The ongoing Xi'an International Horticultural Expo is a great place to sample the subtle differences between the gardening culture of the East and the West, said an expert in ancient gardening and architecture.
Wu Xueping, deputy director of Xi'an municipal bureau of landscape and forestry, said in an exclusive interview with CRI reporters that visiting the 109 unique gardens at the garden expo is something not to be missed for garden lovers.
The different characteristics of different nations of the world are embodied in their garden culture, Wu Xueping said.
Commenting on a recently concluded competition in which over 170 gardening artists from home and abroad presented 300 flower arrangement artworks to vie for visitor attention, Wu Xueping said it is interesting if one could tell the cultural differences those artworks represent.
"The oriental flower arrangement aims at demonstrating the individual beauty." said Wu, "the oriental style strives to display the beauty of one flower, one leave, or one single posture of the plant. The leaves and branches of the flower are paid with equal attention as they are indispensable to the meaningful posture of the artwork. The oriental way delivers the beauty of simplicity."
"The western flower arrangement specializes in bringing about visual impact by the formation of a collection of flowers." Wu continued. "The color is eye-catching. The postures are simple. It displays its intention through simple geometric patterns like "O" shape, "L" shape and oval shape. It is about the overall beauty."
It is quite interesting when you consider actually it is the West that is famous for individualism and the East collectivism.
As an expert who has worked in the garden design for some 30 years, Wu Xueping proceeded to share with CRI reporters her overall impression of the garden designers of the East and the West.
"The Chinese garden designers are like poets inking down a literature piece. Their ways are elusive and better to be guessed than known for sure. They aim to incorporate the image of nature, the thoughts in their minds, and the Chinese cultural blood into their artworks." Wu Xueping said.
"The western garden designers emphasize order, pattern, accuracy and overall appearance. Their ways of expression are direct and straightforward. Take the parterre for instance, it forcibly trim the plant into the shape as desired by the gardener. The western garden designers are like mathematicians writing down a formula." Wu added.
The expert on Chinese gardens went on further to explain the unique garden aesthetics of the Chinese.
"Ancient Chinese believe that gardening is man's artistic way of recreating the natural landscape." Wu Xueping said. "Gardens are created for men. So what man wants -- mountains, rivers, woods, and open grounds - are all duly created and incorporated in a Chinese garden. It caters to men's need of getting close to nature."
"The Perfect Chinese Garden should be made out of the hand of man, but following the hints of Nature." She paraphrased a credo from an ancient garden classic.
Among the 109 gardens at the expo site, about half of them are provided by different provinces or regions in China. 10 are from different counties inside Shaanxi Province.
According to Wu Xueping, all the gardens from China have reflected the unique Chinese concept and techniques of creating a garden, from layout of the landscape to the use of water and vegetation.
Some of these gardens are decorated with cultural hallmarks, like the Xianyang Garden being furnished with a miniature sculpture series of Qin Shi Huang, China's first emperor, to display the culture-rich province's splendid heritage.
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08/07 Bad news sells, but good news just as real
Global Times | July 08, 2011 01:42 By Global Times |
The escalator accident that killed one and injured dozens in the Beijing subway has shocked the country. Media reports have claimed all escalators in China's subways were sub-par.
Bad news does not come alone. Foods are unsafe, donations to charities are believed to have been squandered on mistresses, the oil leak in Bohai Bay was covered up for a month.
This country is apparently imperfect. When we read a newspaper or listen to the radio, we mostly hear bad news and few things can cheer us up.
It is easy to let ourselves be depressed. But each new day we embrace is a clean slate and could be one of the most important days in our lives. We have work to do, friends to meet and parents to visit. We need to be optimistic and bring happiness to others.
We go through one day after another, and most of us are lucky. Although death and insecurity in the media surround us and make us nervous in the real world, the dangers are not always lurking so close.
In fact, we find older people are living longer; children are healthier; the local governments, which "pressure people to death in forced demolition," are improving their work; the policeman at the crossroad may be more amicable than before.
There are always unlucky people who encounter "corrupt officials," "brutal chengguan" (urban management officers) or deadly accidents. No one can guarantee that we will never meet the same unfortunate fate.
But we believe the changing Chinese society will bring better luck to ever more people.
The media has been stubbornly exposing negative things. Suspicion and criticism are becoming popular.
This does not mean there are more and more problems or bad people in society. On the contrary, media supervision is stronger than ever before. More ulcers are pierced open, but the body is getting better.
In the past, the media was laden with only good news, and bad news only circulated among people as rumors.
Now this is reversed. The news media scrambled to cover scandals, marginalizing good things or normal happenings. Still, those ignored positives exist in our daily lives, although outside the the realm of raging microblogs.
An information network that carries a variety of things and reflects the whole picture does not exist. It is the rule of news media to focus on one side of the world.
However, it is always up to us to make judgment of the information.
Do not let the flood of information spoil your day. The news stories are true, but do not represent the full reality. Look around yourselves, you may find more heart-warming stories.
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Thứ sáu, 08 Tháng 7 2011 09:20 | ||||||||||||||||||
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Thứ sáu, 08 Tháng 7 2011 10:29 | |||||||||||||
(GDVN) - Nhiều người ngăn cản không cho ông đi, nhưng ông Tự một mực không nghe: "Đây là cơ hội cuối cùng được cùng con bước vào giảng đường ĐH". Tin liên quan: Phụ huynh cao tuổi nhất đưa con đi thi Đó là trường hợp ông Nguyễn Quốc Tự ở P. Bắc Sơn, TX Tam Điệp, Ninh Bình. Năm nay ông Tự đã 92 tuổi nhưng vẫn "xung phong" đưa con đi thi tại địa điểm trường ĐH KHXH&NV HN.
Đã 92 tuổi, nhưng có vẻ tuổi tác không thành vấn đề với ông, ông vẫn leo lên tầng 3 tìm phòng thi chờ con. Hà Nội: Thí sinh phải "sửa sai" quá nhiều Một số Hội đồng thi, vẫn nhiều thí sinh sai thông tin cá nhân. Tại trường ĐH KHXH&NV HN, lượng thí sinh vền phòng đào tạo để sửa thông in cá nhân mỗi lúc một đông. Đáng kể nhất là trường ĐH Y Hà Nội, cho đến khi kết thúc buổi làm thủ tục vẫn còn rất nhiều các em đến phòng đào tạo nhà trường xin sửa thông tin để được cấp thẻ dự thi. Ông Nguyễn Đức Hinh, Hiệu trưởng nhà trường cho biết, do lượng hồ sơ đăng ký dự thi vào trường rất lớn, qua nhiều khâu mới đến được trường, do vậy các sai sót không thể tránh khỏi, theo ông Hinh, lỗi nhiều nhất là thí sinh ghi sai mã trường. Lỗi này ở khâu thí sinh bắt đầu làm hồ sơ. Theo ông Sơn, do thí sinh khuyết tật này đăng ký nguyện vọng nhiều (Báo chí, Ngữ văn sư phạm, Văn học), nên nhà trường sẽ tổ chức một buổi phỏng vấn để rút lại nguyện vọng cho thí sinh.
Tại TP.HCM: Kẹt xe kéo dài 2 tiếng Ở các quận nội thành, không xảy ra tình trạng kẹt xe. Nhưng trên các tuyến đường Tân kỳ Tân Quý, Trường Chinh, Cộng Hòa, Âu Cơ đã xảy ra tình trạng kẹt xe nghiêm trọng. Theo quan sát của chúng tôi, có rất nhiều thí sinh đã không đến kịp điểm thi để làm thủ tục. Lực lượng Cảnh sát giao thông phải làm việc hết công suất. Tại các giao lộ, Cảnh sát giao thông phải ưu tiên cho xe máy đi trước còn các loại ô tô, xe tải… xếp hàng dài nối đuôi nhau. Tại đợt thi thứ 2, chúng tôi ghi nhận có nhiều thí sinh được đặc cách miễn thi ngay từ lúc tới làm thủ tục. Tại trường ĐH Khoa học – Xã hội &Nhân Văn (ĐHQG TP. HCM) có trường có 4 trường hợp thí sinh khiếm thị được xét tuyển, đặc cách miễn thi đại học.
Trong đó, có hai thí sinh đăng ký vào ngành Xã hội học là Nguyễn Văn Chung (ở Hà Tĩnh) và Đỗ Minh Trí (ở Bến Tre). Một thí sinh đăng ký vào ngành Công tác xã hội là Nguyễn Quang Nhị (ở Hà Tĩnh). Thí sinh Nguyễn Trí Tính (ở TP. HCM) đăng ký vào ngành Tâm lý học. Còn tại trường ĐH Sư phạm TP. HCM có đến 10 thí sinh được xét đặc cách miễn thi đại học. Ông Tạ Quang Lâm, Phó trưởng phòng Đào tạo trường ĐH Sư phạm TP. HCM cho biết: “Trong đó 10 thí sinh được đặc cách, có 2 thí sinh khiếm thị được đặc cách vào khoa Toán. Còn lại, chủ yếu vào ngành Giáo dục đặc biệt”.
Xuân Trung - Thiện Thành |
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08/07 Malaysia to Block Roads in Bid to Stop Protesters Demanding Fair Election
By Manirajan Ramasamy and Gan Yen Kuan - Jul 8, 2011 7:02 PM GMT+0900An elevated view shows the skyline in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Major roads into Malaysia’s capital city will be closed and buses diverted tomorrow when a group campaigning for fair elections plans to defy a government ban on staging a protest rally in Kuala Lumpur, the police said. Photographer: Goh Seng Chong/Bloomberg
Major roads into Malaysia’s capital city will be closed and buses diverted tomorrow when a group campaigning for fair elections plans to defy a government ban on staging a protest rally in Kuala Lumpur, the police said.
“Anything that is under and within the powers of the police will be used depending on the circumstances,” Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein told reporters in Kuala Lumpur today. This includes potentially using the Internal Security Act or Emergency Ordinance which allow for detention without trial, he said.
The lockdown comes after Prime Minister Najib Razak’s cabinet ordered that a rally planned by the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections tomorrow must be held in a stadium outside of the city. The lobby group, also known as Bersih, still plans to hold its rally in Kuala Lumpur’s Merdeka Stadium, its steering committee said in an e-mailed statement today.
Merdeka Stadium has historical significance, having been erected for Malaysia’s declaration of independence in 1957. More than 300,000 people may attend this weekend’s assembly, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim told reporters on July 6.
Major roads into Kuala Lumpur will be shut from midnight tonight until 10 p.m. tomorrow, Assistant Superintendent Zaiham Mohd Kahar said in an interview today. “Only people with reasons or business will be allowed to enter the city,” he said. This is “to avoid traffic congestion in the city and any untoward incidents.”
Organizers Barred
Police obtained court orders yesterday barring 91 people, including leaders of three separate planned protests, from entering the capital tomorrow, the Malaysian Insider reported, citing city police chief Amar Singh. The people named in the court order included Bersih Chairman Ambiga Sreenevasan, as well as the heads of two Malay rights groups which have threatened to hold rival rallies.
“There is no reason whatsoever to ban anyone from entering the city,” Bersih said. “This constitutes an unwarranted denial of their freedom of movement.”
The coalition, comprising more than 60 non-governmental organizations, agreed to cancel planned street demonstrations and move their protest into a stadium after Malaysia’s King intervened to express concern over potential harm to the country.
Bersih wants electoral changes, such as lengthening campaign periods to at least 21 days and using indelible ink on fingers to prevent people from voting more than once.
Elections Loom
Najib needs to call elections within two years. The Election Commission is looking into extending the campaign period and plans to use biometric fingerprinting instead of indelible ink, Election Commission Chairman Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof said in a television interview with TV3 and Bernama on July 2. Foreign observers may also be invited, he said.
More than 230 activists have been arrested over the past two weeks with six people remaining in custody, police public relations officer Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf told reporters. This has drawn criticism from groups including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.
Similar protests by Bersih seeking changes to the electoral system in 2007 drew 40,000 people in the capital of Kuala Lumpur and water cannons were used to disperse crowds.
The U.S. Embassy issued an advisory today urging its citizens to stay away. “Even demonstrations that are meant to be peaceful can become violent and unpredictable,” it said. “You should avoid them if at all possible.”
Rival Rallies
Two Malay rights groups have threatened rival rallies should Bersih go ahead with street protests tomorrow, Perkasa and UMNO Youth, which is an arm of Najib’s ruling party, the United Malays Nasional Organisation. The authorities rejected applications to use stadiums within Kuala Lumpur by all three groups, Hishamuddin said.
Bersih’s rally should be held in a stadium outside of Kuala Lumpur, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said yesterday. It should take up an offer by the chief minister of Selangor state, which is controlled by Anwar’s People’s Alliance coalition, to hold its rally in a stadium there, he said.
No temporary bus permits will be granted to ferry protestors into the city today and tomorrow, the Land Public Transport Commission said. Extra buses are only allowed in Kuala Lumpur during festive seasons, commission Chairman Syed Hamid Albar said in an interview today.
-- Editors: Barry Porter, Patrick Harrington.
To contact the reporter on this story: Manirajan Ramasamy in Putrajaya atrmanirajan@bloomberg.net
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Peter Hirschberg in Hong Kong atphirschberg@bloomberg.net.
Amnesty Inernational,
Human right,
Kuala Lumpur,
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