NAMIE, Fukushima -- A cattle farmer here is suffering from tremendous stress amid mounting concerns over the impact of radiation leaks from the quake- and tsunami-hit Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant on the local livestock business.
"It feels like my cows are asking me to kill them right way," said Eiji Konno, a 60-year-old cattle farmer in the Fukushima Prefectural town of Namie.
Konno is raising a total of 32 beef cows, including four calves born after the March 11 disaster. However, in the wake of radiation leaks from the crippled nuclear facility, Konno, who is now staying at a refugee shelter in the prefectural city of Nihonmatsu, has been parted from his livestock.
Unlike the town's central area, the western part of Namie, including the Tsushima district where Konno's farm and residence are located, had not been covered by the government's evacuation order and "stay-indoor" advisory zones within a radius of 30 kilometers from the damaged power station. However, the highest radiation level to date in the prefecture (except for areas already evacuated) of 23 microsieverts per hour was detected at the district's Tsushima Elementary School on April 8, prompting the government to extend the evacuation zone to cover the entire town on April 11 as it requested all residents to move out from the area over the next month.
Raincoats and clothes were found abandoned along the road near Konno's empty house. Those who temporarily returned to their homes inside the 30-kilometer radius of the plant threw them away on their way back to makeshift shelters.
On the other hand, some farmers outside the 30-kilometer zone are continuing to work on their farms without wearing protective face masks. Konno wonders if these farmers are safe just because they are outside the "stay indoor" advisory area.
He is also worried about the possible spread of radiation from bodies of the victims laid out at the elementary school being used as a temporary morgue.
Furthermore, the fact that the district is surrounded by 800- to 1,000-meter-tall mountains increases his fears.
"Your district would be in great danger should radiation leak from the power plant. Radioactive materials could be blocked by the mountains and fall on you," one of Konno's acquaintances working at the nuclear plant warned about 40 years ago. Whether it is true or not, Konno cannot help but worry.
"Sometimes I become overwhelmed by anxiety. It feels as if I am walking through dark clouds," Konno said.
Due to extreme stress, he has lost 18 kilograms since the earthquake and is suffering from high blood pressure.
Clad in protective gear, Konno visits his farm some 20 kilometers from the refugee shelter every day to look after his animals. He stays there from early morning through evening, knowing his cattle have become virtually unsellable at the market.
"Local residents are being affected by the government's slow responses," Konno said, adding, "My cows have lost weight, too, and I feel sorry for them. I want to give them delicious food until the last moment."
Click here for the original Japanese story
(Mainichi Japan) April 12, 2011
東日本大震災:計画的避難区域指定(その2止) 住民ストレス重く
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