Mượn lời Nguyễn Đình Đăng; "Nhiều tin tức và bình luận giật gân của báo chí trên toàn thế giới trong hơn 3 tuần qua, kể từ sau khi xảy ra trận đại động đất và sóng thần tại vùng Đông Bắc Nhật Bản, đã khiến không ít người Nhật và người ngoại quốc … bám trụ ở lại nước Nhật cảm thấy phiền lòng. Một blogger người ngoại quốc sống tại Nhật thậm chí đã mở một trang wiki có tên “Nhà tưởng niệm nỗi nhục của báo chí” để liệt kê và xếp hạng tồi tệ những bài báo liên quan tới trận động đất vừa qua. Theo blogger này, những bài báo và nhà báo tồi tệ là những bài báo / nhà báo đã góp phần"
mời các bạn click vào link dưới đây để xem danh sách các nhà báo dơ >>
Remember, as important as we think this is, human lives are more important. If you do nothing else today, please DONATE! (<---that link will take you to a page that lists reputable groups you can donate to, based on your geographical location) |

Hi all: multiple editing the wiki at the same time is resulting in info being lost as wikispaces doesn't merge changes very well. So I'm going to lock this page and we're going to try using Google Forms instead. Please visit this link: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dFlzejRGcGtEcldaZGw1MG9xOXdwb3c6MQ#gid=0 or the bottom of this page to submit a report. Afterwards, refresh this page and then scroll down to the second spreadsheet to see your entry. If you're having a problem submitting please tweet me @stagerabbit or message me (wiki_rabbit) using this site .
Also, the Wall of Shame needs some editors to process this huge amount of info. CLICK HERE for more info.
If you want to know why we're doing this, check out my blog entry Why Bad Journalism Has Driven Me To Desperate Ends
If the page is too wide for your browser, press Ctrl and - at the same time to make the text smaller.
This Wall of Shame is being assembled by various people, many of whom are on the ground in Japan as residents, not temporarily assigned journalists, who are sick of the sensationalist, overly speculative, and just plain bad reporting that has gone on since the Tohoku quake in Japan on March 11. We feel that contacting each and every publication and reporter every time a bad report shows up independently is not effective, and it is our sincere hope that this will encourage journalists to aspire to a higher (some would say minimal) level of responsibility in their reports. If you would like to add a report of your own, feel free. What can you do if you've read some of the articles listed here and you want to do something? We're compiling a list of press organizations to which you can complain HERE.
If you're coming to this page from the Twitter link, you might be unaware of our other pages (including places to post good journalism and heroes).
Message from @stagerabbit: My plan (and I am kinda making this up as I go along) is to use this raw data to create something else in a few weeks, when the furor dies down. To underline: at the moment, this information is raw, and mostly unmoderated (please keep in mind that there are a fair number of entries in languages I can't read); there will be a moderated, edited version at some point reasonably soon. We're working on it. Having said that, if you think there's been a mistake or unfair criticism, please make an entry on the DISCUSSION page or contact me using this wiki (wiki_rabbit), and I will investigate. I am trying to make corrections when it's been pointed out to me that the submitter has misinterpreted something. Please understand that in some cases, I have no way of knowing if something a submitter has said is true or not; when we compile the edited list, the editors and I will attempt to correct things that we cannot verify.
This wiki mostly deals with the coverage of the quake. For up-to-date information in English on the quake itself, please visit http://japanquake.wikia.com/wiki/Japanquake_Wiki orhttp://disasterjapan.wordpress.com/
Severity of Offense scores
1 - 2: Probably unintentional, and based on bad info that seemed legit
3 - 4: Not malicious, just misunderstanding of the situation
5 - 6: Reporting without checking easily-confirmed facts; lazy as opposed to malicious OR just dumb fluff piece using human tragedy as a background.
7 - 8: No fact checking; printing rumours as fact; sensational story more important than actual truth
9 : Fear mongering.
10 : Hysterical fear-mongering along with racial/cultural/political bias
11 : Satan
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