Gov't mulls separating TEPCO's power production, transmission units

The government is looking into the possibility of dividing Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), at the center of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, into power generation and transmission units as it considers injecting capital into the embattled utility giant, it was learned April 4.
Under the scenario, the projected transmission unit will be merged with another major electric power firm as TEPCO faces potentially huge damages claims from residents and other parties in connection with radiation leaks from its nuclear power plant, which was seriously damaged by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
The government of Prime Minister Naoto Kan is considering temporarily bringing TEPCO under state control to deal with such claims and ensure a stable supply of electricity. But a government source said, "We cannot gain the Japanese people's understanding by rescuing TEPCO, which has caused such a serious accident, simply through the use of public funds."
If TEPCO's separation and consolidation with another utility become a reality, the nation may witness a historic restructuring of its power industry. Currently, 10 big power companies enjoy a virtual monopoly from power generation to power transmission in various regions.

Of the 10 major utilities, TEPCO towers over the nine others and its sales of about 5 trillion yen are nearly double that of its closest rival Kansai Electric Power Co. As of the end of last year, TEPCO had interest-bearing debts of about 7.5 trillion yen.
TEPCO's financial woes are likely to get worse as the utility is confronted with the daunting task of dealing with the crippled nuclear power plant and damages claims.
The government hopes to limit the term of TEPCO's nationalization to a minimum, and there may be strong public resistance to its plan to salvage the utility through an injection of public funds. "It will be difficult to allow TEPCO to operate under its present name (after the end of TEPCO's temporary nationalization)," said a source working under Kan at the Prime Minister's Office.
Some people think that TEPCO is too massive to merge as a whole with another electric power company. Accordingly, there are several proposals under study, including separating TEPCO's electricity generation and transmission units and merging its transmission segment with Tohoku Electric Power Co. to create an "East Japan Electric Power" firm. Another is to combine the unit with Kansai Electric to unify the different frequencies to help ensure a long-term stable supply of electricity.
The government's plan for TEPCO's power generation unit is aimed at turning it into a power wholesaler which will sell electricity to power-transmission firms.

Also under consideration is a plan to nationalize TEPCO's nuclear power division, which is expected to require huge amounts of money to decommission the crippled nuclear power plant and treat radioactive materials.
Click here for the original Japanese story
(Mainichi Japan) April 4, 2011
東日本大震災:福島第1原発事故 東電、発電・送電分離案 大手と統合検討--政府
福島第1原発:堤防にも損傷 2号機の汚染水流出か
福島第1原発:自主避難、消えた村 30キロ圏内の葛尾
汚染水着色し追跡 2号機立て坑亀裂
福島原発:廃炉求める緊急要請書 地元団体など
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