The government has revealed the outline for a special committee to investigate the cause of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, including plans to solicit contributions by foreign experts.
The outline, unveiled May 11, states that a committee of 10 experts will be named by Prime Minister Naoto Kan, while the final details of the committee will be decided shortly by the Cabinet.
Furthermore, criticism of dysfunction at the Nuclear Safety Commission, the paucity of information on the crisis provided to the international community, and the slow reaction to the accident by the government and nuclear plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) has been made following the accident. The new committee will not just investigate the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, but also use the assembled critiques to build recommendations on reforms to Japanese nuclear safety policy.
The committee will be broken into three working groups; one to investigate the cause of the accident, the second to analyze measures to prevent the disaster from growing, and the third to examine nuclear legislation. According to the government, the committee will take an impartial, multilateral approach to examining the causes of the crisis.
Committee members will include nuclear engineers, seismologists and radiation safety experts, as well as legal and financial figures and representatives of local governments affected by the crisis. It will also call on Cabinet members and senior bureaucrats connected to the issue, power company representatives and International Atomic Energy Agency staff to speak to the committee.
Furthermore, the committee will request experts from the United States, France, Russia and other nations with nuclear power programs to participate in deliberations in an advisory role.

The committee office will be under direct Cabinet supervision, and its secretariat will be recruited from outside government ministries and agencies subject to the investigation. The outline projects the committee will release an interim report by the end of the year, with the final version to be submitted in summer 2012.
"We will not just release the final product, but make the entire investigative process open to the public," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told a press conference on May 11.
Click here for the original Japanese story
(Mainichi Japan) May 12, 2011
東日本大震災:福島第1原発事故 海外専門家も助言 3チームで検証--事故調
毎日新聞 2011年5月12日 東京朝刊
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