毎日新聞 2011年5月4日 0時08分
Gov't, experts must release criteria for radiation safety around nuke plant

"Resigning was the worst choice, wasn't it?" says an e-mail I received from one of my colleagues late last week. It referred to the resignation of University of Tokyo professor and radiation expert Toshiso Kosako as an adviser to the Cabinet Secretariat.
Kosako tearfully criticized the government for what he calls its "lax" response to the crisis at the tsunami-hit Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant when he announced his departure at a news conference. My colleague fears that Kosako's abrupt and emotional announcement could fuel local residents' concern about radiation leaks from the crippled power station.
There are two kinds of health hazards that radioactive material can cause -- immediate tissue damage from high levels of radiation, and chromosomal damage that increases the risk of cancer in the future even if the amount of radioactive material is small.
Radiation in areas dozens of kilometers away from the plant is far below the level that could immediately damage tissues. Therefore, the government asserts that the radiation "will not pose an immediate threat to human health."
On the other hand, if people are exposed to even a small amount of radiation, experts say it will slightly increase the risk of cancer in the future. Children in particular are vulnerable to radioactive substances. This is what residents of Fukushima Prefecture are worried about.
However, if children living in Fukushima Prefecture suffer from cancer in the future, it will be impossible to prove a causal relationship between their exposure to radiation and the disease. Even experts are divided over whether and how far the Chernobyl nuclear crisis will affect the health of nearby populations from a long-term perspective. In short, health hazards that radiation can cause have not been clarified.
We need to consider how to deal with such a slight rise in health hazards caused by radiation, but there is too little information available to make that judgment.
Professor Kosako voiced objections to the government's repeated assertions that the situation is safe. However, his warning that the situation is dangerous without showing clear evidence also fuels the public's anxiety.
Both the government and experts like Kosako are required to show the public clear criteria for judging whether the situation is safe or dangerous. It is Fukushima Prefecture residents, rather than Kosako, who really want to cry over the ongoing nuclear crisis. (By Etsuko Nagayama, Tokyo Science and Environment News Department)
Click here for the original Japanese story
(Mainichi Japan) May 4, 2011
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