Refugee from Myanmar gives back to Japan

Early one morning in April, we received word from Aung Myat Win, a 36-year-old refugee from Myanmar, that he was going to be in Tokyo.
"I'm going to Tokyo to deliver a donation for the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake," he said. He was going to present 200,000 yen that he and close to 10 of his fellow refugees had earned working part-time jobs to a Diet member from Miyagi Prefecture.
Win was among the second group of students accepted by Kwansei Gakuin University in Hyogo Prefecture on a special refugee scholarship established in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Currently a fourth-year student, Win also is the editor-in-chief of free paper Peace Wings Journal, which aims to spread the word about ongoing developments in Myanmar.
Win was captured by authorities in Myanmar for his participation in the democracy movement and subsequently let go, after which he secretly left for Japan. In 2002, he was arrested on suspicion of illegally staying in Japan, and was held at an Immigration Bureau detention center for two years. Although he was later granted refugee status, Win continued to struggle with fears he faced for years of being deported -- and it was only natural that he harbored mixed feelings about Japan.
A few words from the democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, however, whom he spoke to late last year in a phone interview, completely wiped away his ambivalence toward Japan.

"What you must not forget is gratitude toward the country that has granted you asylum," she said. Seeing the media coverage of the devastation caused by the March 11 quake and tsunami, Win knew that it was a chance for him to give back to Japan. He considered going to the disaster sites to volunteer.
In "Letter from Burma: A Few Poems" written by Suu Kyi in the April 23 issue of the Mainichi, she revealed that she unfortunately was "not in a position to offer material aid," and instead decided along with other people from Myanmar to compile a collection of poems that would "go some way toward expressing how much at one we feel with the Japanese people in their dark hour."
Japan faces great hardships. The hard-earned donations collected by refugees and the poems of courage sent to us by their compatriots back home, however, remind us that we are not in this alone. ("Yoroku," a front-page column in the Mainichi Shimbun)
Click here for the original Japanese story
(Mainichi Japan) May 2, 2011
毎日新聞 2011年5月2日 0時06分
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