Residents taking risks to enter off-limits zones near troubled nuclear power plant

HIRONO, Fukushima -- As the national government tries to bar people from entering restricted zones near the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, some desperate local residents are braving radiation threats and danger to briefly return to their homes in off-limits areas.
The areas within a 20-kilometer radius from the nuclear power plant, crippled by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, are off-limits to everyone except central and local government officials, as well as emergency workers. Signs near the prohibited areas read: "Danger. Off-limits beyond this point." Police are patrolling the restricted areas, urging people to stay away.
But this has not deterred all residents. Driving a light truck, a 30-year-old man emerged from a restricted zone. He said he returned to his home, which had been washed away by the tsunami, and stayed there for about an hour to try to find pictures and other items of value.
"I prayed at our family grave on a hill, expressing gratitude for the protection of our family of four from the tsunami and asking for care, although we may not be able to come back here again," he said.
A 58-year-old woman who runs an iron foundry drove a truck with her son to her home-cum-office in Naraha, Fukushima Prefecture, to get business documents and clothes. "We must not have our business partners wait for payments due on April 5," she said.
A 62-year-old beekeeper from Daisen, Akita Prefecture, entered the prohibited zone and visited a Buddhist temple to get honey bees he had kept there temporarily for the winter. "The danger of radiation crossed my mind, but unless something is done, all the bees will die. For beekeepers, the lives of honey bees are as important as the lives of people," he said. About 20 percent of his 1.4 million honey bees in 70 boxes were found dead.
The local government in Naraha, Fukushima Prefecture, has moved its official functions to Aizumisato in the same prefecture. The temporary town office has received a slew of inquiries from evacuees who are worried about their tsunami-ravaged homes. But many of the weary and worrisome refugees are resisting temptations to return to their homes in the 20-kilometer off-limits zone.
"The town authority is placing top priority on safety and is strongly urging people not to go into the restricted areas. I myself was also evacuated with nothing else to wear. But I can understand how insecure the townspeople are feeling because they cannot go back there for a long time. That's why I have mixed feelings," said a town official.
Click here for the original Japanese story
(Mainichi Japan) April 5, 2011
東日本大震災:福島第1原発事故 避難指示でもあえて 20キロ圏内立ち入り者に聞く
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