While hundreds of billions of yen have been donated for victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake, central and local government authorities have not been able to distribute the badly needed cash to those in need as the regions affected by the tremor and tsunami are so huge that it is difficult to come to grips with the full extent of the damage.
The Japanese Red Cross Society and other organizations say they will form "relief money distribution committees" to decide on the criteria and methods of distribution as well as ways of informing the victims in order to distribute the money in a fair manner. The Japanese Red Cross Society had received about 98 billion yen in cash donations as of April 2, more than the cumulative amount of donations received over six months for the victims of the 1995 Great Hanshin earthquake. The Central Community Chest of Japan, known for its Red Feather Community Chest Movement, had received a total of about 18 billion yen as of April 1.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said at a news conference on April 5, "We have been proceeding with the task rather quickly. I believe we will be able to move to a stage where operations can be started at prefectural level in the not too distant future." The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said it would set up a study panel to present a draft proposal on methods to distribute the relief funds. But it is unlikely that prefectural governments will be able to distribute the money so easily.
Apart from cash donations received at government level, the Iwate Prefectural Government had received about 3.02 billion yen as of the end of March. The local government worked out an outline for forming a distribution committee, but it could not move ahead any further. "If we distribute the money unsystematically at a stage where a national system is not in place, it will only put a burden on municipalities," said an Iwate Prefectural Government official. "Rikuzentakata and Otsuchi suffered devastating damage and unless administrative functions are restored, the funds will only become a source of trouble," the official added.
The Miyagi Prefectural Government had received a total of about 5.5 billion yen as of the end of March. When the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake hit the region in 2008, the Miyagi Prefectural Government received about 1.2 billion yen in donations and distributed the first portion of the cash three months after the quake. "The damage is so grave this time that we cannot set up a distribution committee unless the number of people dead or missing is confirmed," said a Miyagi Prefectural Government official.
On the other hand, the Fukushima Prefectural Government set up a distribution committee on April 1 and decided to hand out 50,000 yen each to households affected by the earthquake and tsunami. "Victims had requested the relief money be distributed as soon as possible," said a Fukushima Prefectural Government official. About 65,000 households whose homes were partially or completely destroyed by the earthquake or the tsunami as well as those households that are located within a radius of 30 kilometers from the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant are entitled to receive the money. The cash donations of 3.32 billion yen received as of April 1 will be distributed to affected households through municipalities.

Nevertheless problems continue. Local governments near the troubled nuclear power plant have moved their administrative functions to other areas and the whereabouts of many residents who were evacuated to areas outside of the prefecture remain unknown. Prefectural government officials in Fukushima say the cash will likely be distributed to victims sometime after next month.
On those evacuees who lived outside the 30-kilometer radius from the nuclear complex, one official said, "We have to draw a line somewhere and only those in the area designated by the national government are subject to the distribution program this time. We will discuss whether to include those evacuees outside the designated zone when we distribute the money next time."
One major question is how much relief money will be distributed to victims. In the case of the 1995 Great Hanshin earthquake, a total of 179.3 billion yen was donated. According to the Hyogo Prefectural Government, 100,000 yen each was initially distributed two weeks after the earthquake as "condolence money" to those households whose family members died or were missing and those whose homes were partially or completely destroyed. In the second round carried out about five months after the earthquake, 300,000 yen each was given to those families that were in need of support such as fatherless families, and 1 million yen was given to each earthquake orphan for their education.
But "because the number of victims was so large, the average allowance amount was about 400,000 yen per household," said a Hyogo Prefectural Government official. Although cash donations received for the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake outnumber the amount for the victims of the Great Hanshin earthquake, the number of people and homes affected by the Tohoku quake is also far greater that that for the tremor in Kobe. Therefore, it is not clear whether victims will receive enough money.
Click here for the original Japanese story
(Mainichi Japan) April 6, 2011
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