TONI, Iwate -- Stairs along a concrete wall at the foot of a hill in this fishing community saved the lives of many residents from the deadly tsunami that was triggered by the March 11 earthquake that destroyed scores of homes.
When tsunami threatened to engulf the entire community, many local residents quickly ran up the stairs attached to the concrete wall built at the foot of a hill and managed to survive. The wall was built behind Ryonoshin Kasai's home in the Hongo district of the town of Toni in the city of Kamaishi, in 1976. "Without the stairs, there was no escape for us. I am glad I had them built," said 74-year-old Kasai, pointing to the stairs attached to the wall about eight meters high.
Kasai's home was built on high ground, on a leveled hill, near a fishing port after the 1933 Showa Sanriku Earthquake/Tsunami devastated the region. When tsunami hit the region on March 11, more than a dozen fearful local residents and firefighters gathered in front of Kasai's home, but the water came up close to the ground before long.
"Go up the hill!" Kasai shouted, urging the local residents to run up the stairs. In the end, his home was flooded only up to the floorboards. But he said, "I feel scared when I imagine the tsunami was bigger." All local residents but one survived.
In 1976, the Iwate Prefectural Government designated the hill at the back of Kasai's home as a "steep slope danger zone" that could collapse at any time and built the concrete wall. The prefectural government constructed the stairs after receiving a request from Kasai, who said the stairs would be needed "to go up the hill."
"When I made the request, I didn't have tsunami in mind. But we had a narrow escape from death this time," he said.
"The stairs were useful as an evacuation route," said Koji Kawasaki, associate professor of river engineering at the Graduate School of Nagoya University, who conducted research in the area.
There are other cases of similar evacuation routes built as part of measures against tsunami. In Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture, which could be hit by major tsunami triggered by Nankai and Tonankai earthquakes in the future, people at a kindergarten on low-lying ground by the sea would have found it difficult to evacuate. In 2005, the prefectural government set up stairs so that people could walk up along a wall to evacuate to the top of the cliff.
When a tsunami warning was issued following the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, children at the kindergarten were able to walk up the stairs quickly to evacuate. Kazuko Maeji, head of the kindergarten, said, "Even children could run up the stairs. In case of an emergency, I thought it would certainly be reassuring."
Click here for the original Japanese story
(Mainichi Japan) April 27, 2011

毎日新聞 2011年4月23日 11時17分(最終更新 4月23日 12時24分)
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