Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bin Laden's porn has been found

Posted By Joshua Keating     Share

Just in case you were wondering how he passed the time during all those years he spent inside in Abottabad:
The pornography recovered in bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, consists of modern, electronically recorded video and is fairly extensive, according to the officials, who discussed the discovery with Reuters on condition of anonymity.
The officials said they were not yet sure precisely where in the compound the pornography was discovered or who had been viewing it. Specifically, the officials said they did not know if bin Laden himself had acquired or viewed the materials.
So many questions here. Bin Laden's compound wasn't hooked up to the internet and he apparently communicated with the outside world by saving files onto thumb drives and having couriers send e-mails and download new messages for him from a distant Internet cafe. Were those couriers also in charge of procuring bin Laden's porn? Awkward.

2:20 AM ET
May 24, 2011
its funny how he spoke of the evil of america yet porn was found all in the mansion. i wounder what type it was. image OBL recording a Hate type then poppin in Jenna Jameson crazy
3:15 AM ET
June 6, 2011
What's the big deal about pornography? How do you know abou it? The intimation is that because Obl was a Muslim and they found the porn. I had a Jewish friend that ate more ribs than me.What? Men are men. I don't care what color or religion. And with the creation of Viagra I don't care what age. Thank God ol' goats don't live forever. If they can afford it and it makes them happy . Sobe it.
3:16 AM ET
June 6, 2011
What's the big deal about pornography? How do you know abou it? The intimation is that because Obl was a Muslim and they found the porn. I had a Jewish friend that ate more ribs than me.What? Men are men. I don't care what color or religion. And with the creation of Viagra I don't care what age. Thank God ol' goats don't live forever. If they can afford it and it makes them happy . Sobe it.

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