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Một nghìn bài nhạc VN (click 1 lần nhạc sẽ chạy hêt 1000 bản. Không muốn nghe nữa thì stop)
- A bit of science and mystery -
Tunguska Explosion 30 July 1908
- A bit of funny stories & pix -
Monster slipper 'revealed as elaborate PR stunt'
A story about a man who mistakenly received a size 1,450 slipper from a mail-order company may have been an elaborate PR stunt.

Tom Boddingham who ordered a special slipper to fit his oversized foot was sent a size 1,450 - after manufacturers failed to spot a decimal point in his order. Photo: Caters
By Andy Bloxham and Jonny Cooper
12:06AM BST 20 Oct 2011
Tom Boddingham, 27, said he received the oversized slipper after Chinese manufacturers failed to spot a decimal point in his order.
He said he'd ordered a size 13 slipper and a size 14.5 slipper due to his mismatched feet, but instead received a 1,450 shoe.
The story came complete with a photograph of Mr Boddingham nestled inside his giant shoe, which was the size of a small bed.
Mr Boddingham said he planned to sell the giant slipper on eBay.
He said: "It was sent directly from Hong Kong and measures 210 x 130 x 65cms - the same length as a grizzly bear or a family car.
Early morning police stop
From: Dzung T <dzungthedinh@yahoo.com>
To: Exryu Forum <exryu-ww-forum@yahoogroups.com>; "exryu-ww-vannghe@yahoogroups.com" <exryu-ww-vannghe@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 3:58 PM
Subject: [Exryu-ww-Forum] Fw: relax we need:
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From: N Nguyen <>
Sent: Friday, 21 October 2011 1:42 PM
Subject: Too much politics
From: N Nguyen <>
Sent: Friday, 21 October 2011 1:42 PM
Subject: Too much politics
Too much politics lately ... so to relax we need:
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